Camerino description
The University of Camerino, although small, is one of the oldest Universities in Italy, being established in 1336. UNICAM is committed to provide stimulating and favourable working conditions, in accordance with the principles and the guidelines contained in the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. Its continuous efforts have been recognized by the European Commission through the label of HR Excellence in Research.
The Physics Division of the School of Science and Technology comprises 8 different research groups active in theoretical and experimental physics. The Quantum Optics and Information Group, led by Prof. David Vitali, is formed by two senior researchers, Giovanni Di Giuseppe and Irene Marzoli, one postdoctoral fellow and five graduate students. Moreover, it may count on the advice and experience of Professor Emeritus Paolo Tombesi. In the last years the group has carried out research in many sub-fields of Quantum Optics and Quantum Information Theory, such as entanglement manipulation and control in trapped particle systems, quantum communication and quantum key distribution. Notably the group has been one of the pioneers in the study of quantum effects in optomechanical systems, suggesting the possibility to utilize microresonators for quantum information processing. The Quantum Optics group is engaged in a number of national and international research programmes, and has recently started also an experimental activity in Cavity Optomechanics. In three years from the starting date the Cavity optomechanics Laboratory has developed an apparatus based on the membrane-in-the-middle-setup. The group has recently demonstrated resolved sideband cooling of the membrane vibrational mode, control of the quadratic coupling, and also optomechanically-induced transparency and amplification.